Updating your Apple Podcasts RSS feed

Manual refresh of your Apple Podcast metadata.

From time to time there may be need to update your Apple Podcasts RSS feed due to updated metadata like a new podcast cover. In general, this gets updated across the board when a change is made on your hosting platform (e.g. Podcast.co), but Apple Podcasts typically requires a manual refresh.

How to manually refresh your Apple Podcasts metadata

First, log in to Apple Podcast Connect and open your podcast.

Next, click the refresh button.

It may take up to a couple days to reflect the changes, but otherwise that's it!


To confirm it's been updated, reload the podcast on your various devices (particularly in incognito mode or on a device that hasn't loaded the podcast yet).

If after a few days the artwork/metadata isn't showing up accurately, you'll want to contact Apple Podcast support directly via Podcast Connect's contact page.

Last updated